December 3151

Executive Officer’s Log, Bennet’s Badgers

The planetary militia rotated back to Meryton last month. We will be going on patrol with them this month. Given the increased pirate activity we saw in October, we should be prepared for further conflict.

In other news, following the trials at Netherfield, the Snow Ravens have suddenly left for Alpheratz. Jane was training with them extensively, but they gave no notice of their departure and left Jane arriving at Netherfield only to discover nobody there. I am getting really tired of dealing with pretentious Snow Ravens.

Militia Commander’s Log

We have relocated to Meryton following the recent pirate activity centered there. Patrols have been doubled until we can locate the source of the pirate activity or the pirates move on.

Supervisor Wickham is the liaison to the local mercenary lance - Bennet’s Badgers. I was nervous when he joined the unit, as he washed out of the Snow Ravens warrior caste, but he proven to be better adapted to living among ‘freebirths’ than I anticipated.

Joint Patrol

The planetary militia and Bennet’s Badgers are ambushed by pirates while conducting a joint patrol.

Game Setup


Elizabeth Bennet and Supervisor George Wickham must be included in this scenario. Other members of Bennet’s Badgers and the Alliance Military Corps planetary militia unit may be included, and each side should have roughly equal BV.

Select an equivalent BV (PV) of Pirates from the Master Unit List to match the defender’s force. This force has 1 heavy BattleMech and the rest of the force is combat vehicles. The total number of pirate units may be at most double the number of friendly units.


Select 1 hilly desert map. Jordan Wais has thin atmosphere and 1,14 g. Use the rules from BattleTech: Tactical Operations Advanced Rules for these conditions.


Bennet’s Badgers and the planetary militia want to drive off the pirates.

Score Lore Points for the following accomplishments

  • Each pirate unit destroyed (2 pts each)

  • Each pirate vehicle immobilized (3 pts each)

  • Pirate ‘Mech destroyed (5 pts)

  • Elizabeth Bennet gets more kills than Supervisor Wickham (5 pts)

  • Named character dies (-3 pts)

Special Rules

Supervisor Wickham will withdraw to behind other friendly units once he has internal damage in at least 3 sections or has taken 2 points of MechWarrior damage.

Pirate forces will withdraw once half of their units have been immobilized or destroyed.