January 3152

Mountain Wolf Security Officer’s Log

Jane Bennet from Bennet’s Badgers is visiting our Alpheratz factory. We are conducting a product demonstration for her on our primary testing range in the hopes that a favorable review will encourage the militia on Jordan Wais to purchase more Merlin BattleMechs.

Note, Bennet’s Badgers is a struggling mercenary command. We should consider offering employment to its members at Mountain Wolf BattleMechs on the security team, as they are highly skilled MechWarriors.

Product Testing

Conduct training exercises with powered down lasers and dummy rounds.

Game Setup


Jane Bennet and Capt Gardner must be included in this scenario. Jane Bennet and Capt Gardner are on opposite teams in this scenario.

Capt Gardner’s team includes one Night Hawk NTK-2Q. Add any number of Merlin BatttleMechs in pairs, one to each team. The second Merlin BattleMech on Capt Gardner’s team is piloted by his spouse, Lt Gardner.


Select 2 hilly grasslands maps. Alpheratz has standard gravity and atmosphere.


Each team wants to have the last ‘Mech standing.

Score Lore Points for the following accomplishments

  • Merlin BattleMech assists in a kill (2 pts each)

  • Each weapon system of the Merlin hits an opponent (5 pts)

  • Each weapon system of the Night Hawk hits an opponent (5 pts)

  • Jane Bennet gets more kills than Capt Gardner (5 pts)

  • Jane Bennet’s team wins (3 pts)

Special Rules

As this is a simulated battle, no MechWarriors will die in this scenario.